
NEWS – Australian National Egg Shortage

Source: Supplied
Source: Supplied

Higher Prices, Less Eggs


It will not be until Spring that our shortage of eggs flattens out, as an influenza outbreak last October has caused a national shortage that has sky-rocketed egg prices. 

Whilst affecting over 400,000 chickens on October 15, 2013, and an estimated 400,000 more two days later, the H7 avian influenza virus has been eradicated in NSW for now. 

The shortage has increased egg prices in supermarkets across the country by over 50 per cent, and another five to eight per cent in the last week. 

It also poses a threat to increase prices of products that uses eggs as ingredients.

Even though the shortage will cause you to pay a lot more in supermarkets, please ensure you support the fair treatment of poultry by buying free range eggs where possible. 






  1. Wasn’t it free range chickens who were first exposed to the bird flu which resulted in the mass culling? Educated people should understand that you can have no security of egg supply when the birds cannot be prevented from contact with wild birds carrying diseases. If the entire Australian flock were converted to free range the land area degraded by the chickens would be huge and so would the risk of diseases wiping out large sections of the industry and forcing egg prices through the roof. Do we want bread to become a luxury item? Then let them eat cake! Oh wait, most cakes use eggs too unless you want to add more oil. Of course, at that point the bakeries would just import pulp from cage birds overseas in worse conditions than those in Australia. Idealism is nice but realism is more environmentally, economically and socially responsible in the long term. Different kinds of egg production can legitimately meet different needs in the community. If people can’t afford a $7 trip to the doctor, a $7 dozen of free range eggs is probably a stretch too. Encourage farmers to keep producing cheaper cage eggs to feed the poor kids who can’t get Newstart.

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