
Adorian Deck | Interview

LOS ANGELES – At the pinnacle of the social media explosion, it is safe to say that there are a lot more opportunities and avenues for people to create videos and share their opinions with the internet. Nineteen-year-old Adorian Deck has done just that – and now he’s the founder of @DeckedOutMedia. In just six years, he has gone from creating short videos – to attending YouTube conventions and working for the company. ‘I have some special connection to almost everyone, and I really appreciate that they’re not just ‘connections’ they’re friends.’ – says Adorian, talking about the various people he has met along the path of his career in the last six years. Below is his interview conducted all the way from Los Angeles; we hope it gives you some inspiration about future prospects you are considering pursuing.

Tell us about why you started a YouTube channel and how did it all come about?

Back in 2006, I was obsessed with the Kingdom Hearts series. A neighbour had introduced me to the games and I was playing in my garage on the little TV my family had in there all day and all night everyday. I decided to just look some stuff up about the games, and I found the Kingdom Hearts forums and I was really stuck on one of them that I loved so much. I met a lot of cool friends that I don’t know today, and so I eventually even started my own forum. It had 46 people contributing to the posts, which made me proud!

That was when I noticed that people were making AMVs, which are music videos to the Kingdom Hearts footage and would match them with songs we all know and love. I wanted to do the same; and so with my newly discovered Windows Movie Maker and digital camera; that’s how I created my account on YouTube.

I eventually started watching some YouTubers, to name a few off: Smosh, DaveDays, NigaHiga, LisaNova, SMPFilms. From there on out I just started making videos myself, and the rest is history!

Do you travel a lot? Where’s your favourite place to go to get creative inspiration? 

Travelling is in my top five favourite things to do in life. I grew up moving around a lot, always for different reasons. I stayed in the general California/Oregon area, but I would live in mountains, city, and desert. I lived in rich and poor areas. Experiencing so many different things, but in such a small area of the world has given me this strange desire for more.

My favourite place to get creative and find inspiration is the city of San Francisco. I could name of many other places as well, but San Francisco was just a really key part of a more difficult time in my life. San Francisco was my weekend getaway to be with my YouTube friends and live in the YouTube world, I was about 150 miles away from the city for a couple of years. San Francisco is only seven miles tall by seven miles wide, but has so many hidden coves and neighbourhoods it amazes me. A lot of things to discover still in that city, even though I’ve visited so many times.

How has YouTube helped you establish connections within your career and life? 

Pretty extremely. Everything I do is all because of the YouTube community. I’ve met so many different groups of people. Not only in YouTube, but in the music industry, photography, and more. I have some special connection to almost everyone, and I really appreciate that. I don’t really have anybody I just talk to because I want to use them as one of my connections, and I think that’s a huge part to why I have so many. Everybody is friends, or at least friendly. Again, with the moving around, I’ve met so many different people, it’s very easy for me to interact with somebody who is totally different than me.

What advice do you have for young, (16-24 yr old’s) people about going after their dreams in terms of their future career?

I feel like I’ve learned a lot in nineteen years. I guess an overall statement would be to never stop learning, never stop growing, and never give up. One of the coolest things about life is that in whatever field we pursue, we get to learn more and more about it as each day passes, and we become more of experts than we were yesterday. Life is about the journey, not the destination.

How did you overcome obstacles such as; not being taken seriously because you were/are young? 

Ha, how did I? I still go through that every day. You just keep doing what you’re doing, and people start turning their heads at you. “Wow, he did that at sixteen?!” But that being your main motivation will most likely be reckless. Proving people wrong is an awesome feeling, but stay true to why you’re doing what you’re doing. As long as you’re learning, growing, and staying persistent, it doesn’t matter whether people take you seriously or not.

If you didn’t chose the media industry, what other career path would you like to have chosen? 

I grew up with a mom and dad who were very well connected into Real Estate. I was that eight year old little boy who would sit in front of the office and move papers around and look cute, so when potential buyers would walk in, they would see me – a great first impression (laughs). Then my dad, who was a broker and owner of his own company, would swoop in from his office and take it from there. This was definitely my thought of career until about thirteen, or fourteen years old; when I started the YouTube channel and loved being creative with a camera. Managing my own space. Maybe I’ll do some investing in Real Estate in the future, to keep myself in that realm (laughs).

What do you see for your future in 2013? 

Changes. Things are always changing, but I see my life being taken more seriously and continuing my progress to becoming an adult in our world. Changes in the way things are done around the Decked Out Media space!

Any other comments you’d like to make? 

Thank you for having me on your magazine, it was actually really nice to self reflect. You’ve got to stop yourself sometimes and just think…remember.

You can find Adorian Deck here: Every video has a purpose of making you smile, whether it’s me being embarrassingly silly or helping you out with life. Smile on your face = my job is successful. I love you all!
Thank you Adorian! We are looking forward to hearing about and watching your adventures on YouTube.

