Keep on Running
With the Color Run and the South Australian City to Bay only a few months away, why not start training and taking part in Ezra Magazine’s, “100K’s in 31 Days” August running challenge. You can either run, walk or do a combination of both. Each day you will either complete 3, 4, 5 or 6 kilometres, depending on the day of the month. There are various rest days implemented to ease those tired muscles and some health and food tips on the back of the calendar.
Whether you decide to run outdoors or run on the treadmill (outdoor running will be slightly harder), it’s going to improve your fitness level. 100 kilometres or 62 miles is a feat in its own, that’s the distance of running from the bottom of the Adelaide freeway to Victor Harbor! This challenge is not for everyone, it’s going to be hard and work your cardiovascular system to its limit. But – you are going to feel an amazing sense of accomplishment when you finish the challenge. You are going to be fitter than when you started and you will be able to tell everyone, “I ran 100km in August!”.
For this August challenge, we have chosen to support the Red Kite foundation.
Redkite supports children, teenagers and young adults with cancer (up to the age of 24), and their families. Redkite is available with essential support from the moment of diagnosis, throughout treatment and when families return home to the community. Redkite’s support services include financial assistance, emotional support and education assistance. Financial assistance includes grants to help with expenses and financial counselling. Emotional support in hospitals is provided through social workers and music therapists, and support within the community includes telephone and email counselling, bereavement support and family days.
You can help support our cause by donating at
If you would like to download the above calendar in PDF format, which also includes healthy eating tips on the reverse side, you can do so by clicking here: 31 Day Challenge. This is in an A4 landscape format, but can be printed at A3 size if needed. We recommend printing it double sided then having it laminated so you can cross off the days in whiteboard marker then reuse it again when another month with 31 days comes up. If you would like to receive updates on how other readers are doing, you can visit our Facebook page here: