Ezra Magazine is in the process of working on its second edition and we’d love to have new voices join our team via paid contributions. Articles will either be included in the magazine’s second edition which is due out later this year/early next year, or be published via our blog.
We’re looking for contributors who have knowledge in specialised areas which can include politics, design, technology, environment and music. You can either be currently studying journalism/media/international relations (third or fourth year only) or be a freelance writer.
Articles will range from 300-1000 words, depending on your topic and skill level. You will need to have the ability to independently research and interview sources for information.
To apply to be a contributor please send two copies of your own published work (or unpublished work that you think is of publishing quality) to editor@ezramagazine.com. Please also include 100 words in your submission detailing what you think your strengths are and what you hope to achieve through writing for us.
Submissions close 20 August 2015.