“A Necessary Life” is a historical fiction novel that immerses readers in the tumultuous era of revolutionary Europe, where the...
At the moment Kelly draws Dean, Nala and Vinny's adventures across the globe. Nala is Dean's cat and Vinny is an imaginary cockroach who Kelly decided to include in their adventures.
For the release of the second edition of Ezra Magazine, we were fortunate enough to catch up with Criminal’s podcast host and co-creator Phoebe Judge. Here’s the interview. “One thing that hasn’t changed, is that 83 episodes in I’m just as nervous as I was at episode one. That we’ll...
Currently working as a dentist in South Australia, Dr. Jarrad B. Elson is going against the norm and is self-publishing...
A world of creativity Raised in Texas and now residing in San Francisco, architect, photographer and now author Megan Padalecki...
Born and bred Perth girl, writer of three books, actress and strong feminist Vanessa de Largie caught up with Ezra for a chat about life, her book and the importance of feminism in Australia. Her recent achievements include becoming a writer with The Huffington Post and the release of her...
Mistake-Maker Markus Zusak In 2006 Markus Zusak released “The Book Thief”, a book set in Nazi Germany, narrated by Death....